Fort & Manlé Parfum

Fort & Manlé is a luxury niche perfume house committed to creating high quality handcrafted perfume.

Founder and perfumer Rasei Fort has elevated the art of scent creation to new heights, bringing the essence of the world’s most treasured aromas into exciting compositions. Vibrant, opulent, and often eccentric, his inspired creations combine the most  refined and precious raw materials available.

Now synonymous with luxury around the world, Fort & Manlé continues to raise the bar, providing an olfactory experience that is sure to transport its users to the most exotic places and times.

Self-taught, well researched, and meticulous in his methods, Rasei blends artisanal oils and extracts to create a nuanced balance that is truly unique to Fort & Manlé.

Bringing together modern and “old world” sensibilities, from the rich pageantry of great empires, to the seductive allure of romantic seduction, and the fresh paradise of exotic isles, the rich and inspired aromas created for Fort & Manlé are as evocative as the imagination of our founder.



All the Queen's Men

Dedicated to her majesty, they are born to serve their posts. Nursed and fed until ready to do the work of collecting nature's dust and converting it to liquid gold, they now nurse and feed the next generation. Striped and fit for the many tasks t..

Amber Absolutely

Ancient. Forever. Celebrated for its unique ability to preserve a moment for eternity. Sought after for its intoxicating beauty and mystique. Layered with the rich details of a timeless tapestry, from the fresh ripeness of plum and black currant t..


隱藏在豪華俱樂部後面那煙霧繚繞的房間讓人聯想到1897年聖彼得堡內的魔法表演。在煙草煙霧包圍下的煤油燈和華麗的鏡子營造出完美的幻覺場景。黑暗而催眠,他的聲音平靜深沉。 他說出“Tsilindr”一個單詞,隨即摘下他那著名的紫色禮帽,又把它放低,輕輕地頂在頭上。神秘,卻又細膩。這種富有靈感的混合酒以其精湛的法國薰衣草和香草色調搭配濃郁的巧克力和油膩的質地,讓人聯想到完整而豐富的西方感性。最偉大的結局發生在那個人走了,我們仍然感覺到他的存在,永遠體現在一個單一的物體中,紫色禮帽激發了這款香水的名字。..

Fatih Sultan Mehmed

If the renaissance began in Florence, it certainly came of age when a young sultan took his seat over the Byzantine capital to the east. His passion for Art, Science, and Philosophy would inspire a new and flourishing culture of invention, innovat..

Harem Rose

The Art of Seduction is as old as the flower that marks its most sincere and alluring promises. Beautiful. Smooth. Sensual. Her petals play their gentle part, initiating the ritual with her soft and silky dance. Her oils lace the lover’s palace w..


Afternoons basking in the island breeze of one of Oceana’s rare natural gems. Noted for its diverse fauna and flora, celebrated for its clean and pristine air, this is the land of layered textures, colors, and flavors. Crystal waters captivate the..

Late Harvest

Age can be measured in memories. The memory of days gone by, passed down from generation to generation is a record as grand as the simplest moments they recall. Aged and flavored by a lifetime of use, Grandad’s old leather tobacco pouch unlocks a ..

Under Which Rivers Flow *Limited Edition

The unmatched beauty of rich Italian Gothic reveals deeper secrets. Ebbing and flowing, like the sea-salt tide lapping along marble palaces. Gondoliers gently make their way, easing through her winding canals. The floating city, ancient in her wisdom..

V for Vetiver

Fort & Manlé Parfum - V for Vetiver Known for its rich aromatics, the Vardhana dynasty’s capital city Kannauj became the center of 7th century trade. Success was not lost on the emperor, Harshavardhana, who imposed a Vetiver Tax. While m..

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